
Registration for Country Consultation and Validation Meetings on the EUCSG 2020 Assessment Report is now open
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August 19, 2021

Registration for Country Consultation and Validation Meetings on the EUCSG 2020 Assessment Report is now open

Functional Mechanisms for Dialogue are crucial for Conducive Environment for Civil Society-Cooperation between CSOs and Public Institutions discussed
+ 6

July 9, 2021

Functional Mechanisms for Dialogue are crucial for Conducive Environment for Civil Society-Cooperation between CSOs and Public Institutions discussed

Integrating Human Rights Principles and Gender Equality into CSOs Internal Policies: Training on “Mainstreaming Human Rights-based Approach  and Gender Equality” for CSOs in Turkey

July 8, 2021

Integrating Human Rights Principles and Gender Equality into CSOs Internal Policies: Training on “Mainstreaming Human Rights-based Approach  and Gender Equality” for CSOs in Turkey

Second Training on the Integration of the Human Rights Based Approach (HRBA) and Gender Equality (GE) in the Work of the CSOs Conducted in Bosnian/Montenegrin/ Serbian
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July 8, 2021

Second Training on the Integration of the Human Rights Based Approach (HRBA) and Gender Equality (GE) in the Work of the CSOs Conducted in Bosnian/Montenegrin/ Serbian

Two-day Training on “Mainstreaming Human Rights Based Approach (HRBA) and Gender Equality” Held in Albanian Language

July 5, 2021

Two-day Training on “Mainstreaming Human Rights Based Approach (HRBA) and Gender Equality” Held in Albanian Language

Integration of Human Rights Based Approach (HRBA) and Gender Equality (GE) in the Work of the CSOs – Training Conducted in Bosnian/Montenegrin/Serbian Language
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July 5, 2021

Integration of Human Rights Based Approach (HRBA) and Gender Equality (GE) in the Work of the CSOs – Training Conducted in Bosnian/Montenegrin/Serbian Language

Regional Conference: One Year Later – Grassroot Organisations Taking the Lead in Solidarity Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic
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June 24, 2021

Regional Conference: One Year Later - Grassroot Organisations Taking the Lead in Solidarity Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic

CSOs and Stakeholders Consulted on the “EU Gender Action Plan III and North Macedonia Country Level Implementation Plan”
North Macedonia

June 23, 2021

CSOs and Stakeholders Consulted on the “EU Gender Action Plan III and North Macedonia Country Level Implementation Plan”

Integration of the Human Rights Based Approach (HRBA) and Gender Mainstreaming (GM) in the Work of the CSOs – Training in Macedonian Language conducted
North Macedonia

June 23, 2021

Integration of the Human Rights Based Approach (HRBA) and Gender Mainstreaming (GM) in the Work of the CSOs – Training in Macedonian Language conducted

Three-day Advanced Training Programme for CSOs in the Western Balkans and Turkey on Mainstreaming Human Rights Based Approach (HRBA) and Gender Equality (GE) Implemented
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June 23, 2021

Three-day Advanced Training Programme for CSOs in the Western Balkans and Turkey on Mainstreaming Human Rights Based Approach (HRBA) and Gender Equality (GE) Implemented

Breakthroughs, but Much to be Done to Ensure Institutional and Legal Structure on Gender Equality – Experts from Kosovo* and Serbia discuss Gender and European Integrations

June 23, 2021

Breakthroughs, but Much to be Done to Ensure Institutional and Legal Structure on Gender Equality - Experts from Kosovo* and Serbia discuss Gender and European Integrations

The 10th Jubilee Award of the “Srdjan Aleksic” – Journalists Presented for Reporting on Marginalized and Vulnerable Groups
Bosnia and Herzegovina

June 21, 2021

The 10th Jubilee Award of the "Srdjan Aleksic" – Journalists Presented for Reporting on Marginalized and Vulnerable Groups

Call for Registration to the EU Civil Society Consultations: EU Gender Action Plan III and Country level Implementation plan, 22 June 2021
North Macedonia

June 16, 2021

Call for Registration to the EU Civil Society Consultations: EU Gender Action Plan III and Country level Implementation plan, 22 June 2021

Calls for Participation: P2P Exchange Event: Active Citizenship, Civic Initiatives and Volunteerism in Turkey (Deadline: Friday, 18 June, 2021)

June 16, 2021

Calls for Participation: P2P Exchange Event: Active Citizenship, Civic Initiatives and Volunteerism in Turkey (Deadline: Friday, 18 June, 2021)

Stories Bring Emotions, Gather Empathy, Self-identification and Deliver Messages – The Three-Day Training on Story Telling and Efficient Communication
North Macedonia
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June 10, 2021

Stories Bring Emotions, Gather Empathy, Self-identification and Deliver Messages – The Three-Day Training on Story Telling and Efficient Communication

CSO’s Accountability is not Just a Moment in History, it is Always a Present and Demanding Process – Regional Training and P2P Exchange on Quality Standards and Good Governance Principles
North Macedonia
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June 9, 2021

CSO’s Accountability is not Just a Moment in History, it is Always a Present and Demanding Process – Regional Training and P2P Exchange on Quality Standards and Good Governance Principles

Call for Registration: P2P event – One Year On: Community Solidarity Response to COVID-19 Pandemic 9 and 10 June 2021 (Deadline : Monday, 7 June 2021)
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May 31, 2021

Call for Registration: P2P event - One Year On: Community Solidarity Response to COVID-19 Pandemic 9 and 10 June 2021 (Deadline : Monday, 7 June 2021)

Call for Participation: Training Programme for CSOs in the Western Balkans and Turkey: Mainstreaming Human Rights Based Approach (HRBA) and Gender Equality (Deadline: Monday, 7 June 2021)
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May 28, 2021

Call for Participation: Training Programme for CSOs in the Western Balkans and Turkey: Mainstreaming Human Rights Based Approach (HRBA) and Gender Equality (Deadline: Monday, 7 June 2021)

CSOs and Stakeholders Consulted on the “EU Gender Action Plan III and Kosovo* Country Level Implementation Plan”

May 22, 2021

CSOs and Stakeholders Consulted on the “EU Gender Action Plan III and Kosovo* Country Level Implementation Plan”

Third NRC Exchange Meeting: Elaborate and Lively Discussions on Crucial Topics
North Macedonia
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May 20, 2021

Third NRC Exchange Meeting: Elaborate and Lively Discussions on Crucial Topics