
Have Your Say: EU Civil Society Guidelines 2020 Annual Assessment Survey for CSOs
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May 17, 2021

Have Your Say: EU Civil Society Guidelines 2020 Annual Assessment Survey for CSOs

Call for Participation: Regional Training and Exchange on Quality Standards and Good Governance Principles for Regional CSO Networks 26-28 May
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May 10, 2021

Call for Participation: Regional Training and Exchange on Quality Standards and Good Governance Principles for Regional CSO Networks 26-28 May

Call for Participation: Regional Training on Storytelling and Efficient Communication 31 May – 2 June
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May 10, 2021

Call for Participation: Regional Training on Storytelling and Efficient Communication 31 May - 2 June

Live and Kicking: Mapping and Needs Assessment of the Regional Networks and Regional Projects Funded within Civil Society Facility in the Western Balkans and Turkey (WBT)
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April 27, 2021

Live and Kicking: Mapping and Needs Assessment of the Regional Networks and Regional Projects Funded within Civil Society Facility in the Western Balkans and Turkey (WBT)

Agreement on Further Committed Work on Enhancing Regional Cooperation Toward Essential Post-Penal Reintegration Reached

April 22, 2021

Agreement on Further Committed Work on Enhancing Regional Cooperation Toward Essential Post-Penal Reintegration Reached

Call for participants: IPA III Civil Society Facility (CSF) and Media Programme 2021–23, Montenegro, Consultation meeting, Thursday, 1 April (deadline for registration: 30 March, 17:00hrs)

March 25, 2021

Call for participants: IPA III Civil Society Facility (CSF) and Media Programme 2021–23, Montenegro, Consultation meeting, Thursday, 1 April (deadline for registration: 30 March, 17:00hrs)

Poziv za učešće: IPA III Instrument Program podrške civilnom društvu (CSF) i medijima 2021-23, Crna Gora, Konsultativni sastanak, četvrtak, 1. april (rok za registraciju: 30. mart, 17:00h)

March 25, 2021

Poziv za učešće: IPA III Instrument Program podrške civilnom društvu (CSF) i medijima 2021-23, Crna Gora, Konsultativni sastanak, četvrtak, 1. april (rok za registraciju: 30. mart, 17:00h)

CSOs discussed the VAT Policy and Legislation in Bosnia and Herzegovina: Agreement on Joint Work on Better Financial Environment Reached 
Bosnia and Herzegovina

March 19, 2021

CSOs discussed the VAT Policy and Legislation in Bosnia and Herzegovina: Agreement on Joint Work on Better Financial Environment Reached 

Children’s Rights and Principles of Child Participation Training Organised for CSOs in Turkey   

March 16, 2021

Children’s Rights and Principles of Child Participation Training Organised for CSOs in Turkey  

Consultations on the Civil Society Facility (CSF) Priorities for the Period 2021-2023 for Serbia

March 16, 2021

Consultations on the Civil Society Facility (CSF) Priorities for the Period 2021-2023 for Serbia

National Conference ‘1 Year Youth Law’ in Albania – 100 Participants, 35 CSOs Working with Youth, 16 Speakers and Experts Discuss the Implementation

March 15, 2021

National Conference ‘1 Year Youth Law’ in Albania - 100 Participants, 35 CSOs Working with Youth, 16 Speakers and Experts Discuss the Implementation

On-line “Caravan” Includes Over 300 Stakeholders in Country Consultations on Guidelines for EU Support to Civil Society in the Enlargement Region, 2021-2027  
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March 4, 2021

On-line “Caravan” Includes Over 300 Stakeholders in Country Consultations on Guidelines for EU Support to Civil Society in the Enlargement Region, 2021-2027  

Registration for Country Consultations on Guidelines for EU Support to Civil Society in the Enlargement Region, 2021-2027 Now Opened
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February 18, 2021

Registration for Country Consultations on Guidelines for EU Support to Civil Society in the Enlargement Region, 2021-2027 Now Opened

CSOs in the Western Balkan and Turkey Should Continue to Build Relations and Discover New Networking Perspectives
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February 18, 2021

CSOs in the Western Balkan and Turkey Should Continue to Build Relations and Discover New Networking Perspectives

Guidelines for EU Support to Civil Society in the Enlargement Region, 2021-2027 Country Consultations Stage – Background Information

February 11, 2021

Guidelines for EU Support to Civil Society in the Enlargement Region, 2021-2027 Country Consultations Stage – Background Information

Two New Manuals on Information Activism, Data Collection and Data Management Issued by EU TACSO 3

February 3, 2021

Two New Manuals on Information Activism, Data Collection and Data Management Issued by EU TACSO 3

Guest Speakers – Civil Society Networking in the Western Balkan and Turkey – Presentation of the Mapping and Needs Assessment of the Regional Networks and Regional CSF Projects

February 2, 2021

Guest Speakers - Civil Society Networking in the Western Balkan and Turkey – Presentation of the Mapping and Needs Assessment of the Regional Networks and Regional CSF Projects

Call for Participants: Civil Society Networking in the Western Balkan and Turkey – Presentation of the Mapping and Needs Assessment of the Regional Networks and Regional CSF Projects Report (Deadline: Monday, 8 February, 2021)
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February 2, 2021

Call for Participants: Civil Society Networking in the Western Balkan and Turkey - Presentation of the Mapping and Needs Assessment of the Regional Networks and Regional CSF Projects Report (Deadline: Monday, 8 February, 2021)

Poziv za prijave: Obuka o pripremi projektnih prijedloga za tematske programe EU dostupne organizacijama civilnog društva, medijima i medijskim udruženjima u Crnoj Gori (krajnji rok: četvrtak, 28. januar 2021)

January 23, 2021

Poziv za prijave: Obuka o pripremi projektnih prijedloga za tematske programe EU dostupne organizacijama civilnog društva, medijima i medijskim udruženjima u Crnoj Gori (krajnji rok: četvrtak, 28. januar 2021)

Call for Participants: Training on Preparation of Project Proposals for Thematic EU Programmes Available for CSOs, Media and Media Associations in Montenegro (Deadline: Thursday, 28 January, 2021)

January 23, 2021

Call for Participants: Training on Preparation of Project Proposals for Thematic EU Programmes Available for CSOs, Media and Media Associations in Montenegro (Deadline: Thursday, 28 January, 2021)