Upon request by the Delegation of the European Union to Montenegro, EU TACSO 3 project is organizing an online meeting for the consultation regarding the Guidelines for the Civil Society Facility CSF 2021 and European Instrument for Democracy and Human Rights (EIDHR) 2021 for Montenegro on Wednesday, 25 January 2022 from 11:00 to 12:30hrs CET.
The aim of the event is to discuss subjects and modalities that can be tackled under the CSF 2021 and EIDHR programmes for 2021with civil society as well as other stakeholders interested in development of the Programme.
The draft agenda is available here CSF and EIDHR 2021 Montenegro consultation Draft Agenda.
To participate to the consultation, please register by filling in the registration form at this link by Monday, 24 January 17:00hrs CET. Working languages are Montenegrin and English. Zoom link will be sent to your email after the deadline for registration.
In case you are not able to take part in the event, you can send answers to the questions and other comments or suggestions to email: TACSO-ME@tacso.eu. The deadline for written input is Monday, 24 January 2022, 17:00hrs CET. Written contributions can be submitted both in Montenegrin and English language. The main questions are:
- What are the main issues that you think we should focus on per priority area? And why?
- What do you think could be modalities of implementation for each of the different priority areas? Please justify.
In both answers, please specify whether you are referring to CSF or to EIDHR and to which priority areas.
- Main priorities for the CSF 2021:
Support to CSOs and networks towards increased abilities to monitor and participate in reform processes in achieving an effective policy dialogue regarding the EU accession process including elements of advocacy and monitoring.
The main areas under consideration for these activities include democracy and good governance, rule of law, justice, public administration reform, public finance management, green agenda, agriculture, consumer protection, environment, economic and social policies development. This area of support targets a multi-sectorial policy dialogue in addition to building the capacities of CSOs, the citizens should be the target and remain the main beneficiaries.
Support to small CSOs and civil society movements in different sectors, developing grassroots movements’ and local informal groups’ capacities through flexible financial support to third parties mechanisms in all fields relevant to the accession to the EU
This action will support smaller CSOs and other types of civic movements, Roma NGOs and community leaders and grassroots organisations in particular outside of the capital city of Podgorica in areas like good governance, environment and climate action issues, economic and social policies, and agriculture. This area of support targets the development of small-size CSOs and informal groups.
Support to different key stakeholders to contribute to local development.
To increase capacity and recognition of key stakeholders (civil society, youth organisations, farmers organisations and other civic actors, as well as local authorities) as drivers of local development.
- Assisting youth employment by improving digital skills,
- Support to youth through informal education and promotion of vocational training,
- Innovative approaches to the small businesses particularly in rural areas with the aim of economic development at local level,
- Supporting of cultural and tourism initiatives including eco-tourism and supporting of traditional handcrafts.
The stakeholders of this support are groups put into or face a situation of vulnerability and civil society organisations across the board.
- Main priorities for the European Instrument for Democracy and Human Rights (EIDHR)
Human Rights Defenders:
- support, protection and defence of human rights defenders;
- actions against torture and other cruel, inhumane or degrading treatment or punishment.
Promotion of Human Rights:
- support and strengthening of national and international framework for the protection of human rights; concerted civil society monitoring of national and international commitments;
- access to justice and the rule of law;
- support to gender equality (women’s rights, women in decision-making, economic empowerment of women, fight against gender-based violence, etc.);
- protection of the social, economic and cultural rights, especially for groups particularly vulnerable to discrimination such as elderly, women, children, LGBTI, people in unregistered employment, persons with disabilities, Roma, migrants, refugees and the rights of persons belonging to minorities.
Promotion of the development of a democratic political culture:
- support for civil society organisations’ actions dealing with anti-corruption and contributing to more accountable and transparent work of institutions
- support to civil society organisations’ (CSO) actions strengthening democratic reform and dialogue (with the Parliament and other relevant actors).