Timing: 21-23 June 2023
Location: Online
Deadline: 16 June 2023
The EU TACSO 3 project is pleased to invite you to participate in the Gender mainstreaming training programme for FSTP implementers. In this training programme, we primarily aim to target CSOs who are implementing EU-funded re-granting programmes (Financial Support for Third Parties, FSTP) as well as CSOs who are interested in developing and implementing FSTP programmes in the future.
The main objective of the training programme is to improve CSOs grant-making practice through mainstreaming gender equality that affects the whole cycle of grant-making – from identification of needs, developing funding/selection criteria, selection of applications, providing ongoing support/mentoring and assessing results/impact. The training programme will also provide an opportunity to share experiences on challenges encountered and lessons learned.
Through better grant-making, the aim is to ensure that grant support leads to improved outcomes for gender equality in whichever field of activity.
Specific objectives:
At the end of this training, participants will be able to:
- Conduct self-assessment and prepare good quality gender analysis during the proposal writing procedure.
- Explain the key principles and fundamental steps of mainstreaming gender equality.
- Design gender-sensitive calls for application and selection processes within their FSTP projects.
- Strengthen the capacities of FSTP implementers so as to fully implement gender equality in the planning, implementation and, monitoring & evaluation processes of FSTP projects.
- Promote experience sharing and networking among FSTP implementers from the Western Balkans and Türkiye at the regional, multi-country level.
- Provide practical information through “check-lists” that involve necessary steps, cases faced by FSTP implementers and materials related to how to ensure gender equality.
Target groups: Up to 30 participants who meet the following criteria:
- FSTP implementers who have received regional EU CSF grants in the period 2021 – 2023
- CSOs and CSO networks implementing multi-country and/or national FSTP projects
- CSOs who are interested in developing and implementing FSTP programmes in the future.
The training programme will be organised as three half-day training on 21-23 June, between 09:30 – 14:30hrs CET (10:30 – 15:30hrs Turkiye local time) on each day.
In order to ensure effective training with an in-depth approach and practical exercises, the number of selected CSOs will be limited (up to 30), and the participating CSOs will be expected to attend the whole three days.
The deadline for applications is 16 June 2023, 17:00hrs CET (18:00hrs Turkiye local time).
The application form is available here.
The selection will be made by the EU TACSO 3 project team based on the following criteria:
- Regional distribution;
- Thematic area distribution;
- Gender representation
Check out the Training Agenda.
The training programme will be delivered in English language.