For the needs of EU Delegation to Republic of Serbia, EU TACSO 3, on 26 February 2021, organized an on-line consultation on the Civil Society Facility (CSF) priorities for the period 2021-2023. Representatives of CSOs from Serbia and international donors gathered to discuss priorities for programming of CSF 2021 – 2023 with a focus on the priority areas for support in the forthcoming period and the possibilities for smaller, local CSOs.

Many priority areas were discussed during the event, but special attention was dedicated to the question of how the smaller, local CSOs can benefit from the CSF. Size of grants, third-party grants, fundraising, sub granting schemes, transparency, networking and cooperation were the topics discussed in that manner.

As a follow-up to the consultation event, four written inputs were received via email.

Contributions received through the discussion, discussion’s chat box and written inputs sent by email are related to the following topics: priority sectors/important elements that should be included in the programming of CSF 2021 – 2023; type of grants and support that should be given priority in the programming considering the short and medium-term external factors;  sectors in which the civil society needs to be reinforced in support of the accession process; and comments and the recommendations on the consultation process for programming of CSF.