EU Visibility and Communication Requirements


Why this workshop? 

All recipients of EU funding have a general obligation to acknowledge the origin and ensure the visibility of any EU funding received. This includes all civil society organisations (CSOs) implementing EU-funded projects. For the EU-funded projects that also include Financial Support to Third Parties (FSTP), the obligation to ensure visibility of funding received extends to the sub-grant beneficiaries of that support (FSTP grant beneficiaries).  

This event was inspired by the Second Annual FSTP Community of Practice (CoP) Meeting organised on 8 – 9 November 2023 in Sarajevo, BiH. More information about previous FSTP CoP events can be found at the TACSO Library and the LinkedIn group.  

When and where the workshop is taking place? 

The upcoming online regional workshop will take place on 28 March 2024 from 10:00 to 15:00 on the Zoom platform and will be implemented in English for a group of 30 participants.  

What are we going to achieve with this workshop? 

The specific objective of the workshop is to strengthen the capacities of the FSTP implementors in the communication and visibility aspects of the EU-funded projects in line with the new approach and requirements of the EU.  

The workshop will be interactive and focused on practical communication skills, in line with the new EU requirements for visibility. 

To ensure the transfer of knowledge towards the final beneficiaries and as a follow-up to this event, the selected participants will be expected to design and implement capacity-building activities for the beneficiaries of the FSTP grants as well.  


Who can apply and how?  

Interested participants – representatives of FSTP implementers from the WBT region should apply by filling in and submitting the Application formby Wednesday, 20 March 2024, 15:00hrs CET.  

In the selection of participants, the geographical and sector representations will be considered as well as gender balance. We are looking for applicants who are:   

  • Representing a CSO or CSO network implementing EU-funded projects which have an FSTP component,  
  • The person responsible for communication and visibility in the organisation/at the project, and  
  • Can demonstrate a plan for the transfer of the knowledge to FSTP grant beneficiaries. 

When information on the selection of participants will be provided?  

All applicants will be informed about the status of their application until Tuesday, 26 March 2024.   

Whom to contact in case of additional questions? 

Should you have additional questions about this Call, please get in touch with Ms Andreja Tonč, the Key Expert for Capacity Building at  


Draft Agenda FSTP


The new EU Visibility and Communication requirements

Human intrest stories

Communication and Raising EU Visibility Guidance for external actions

Communication and raising EU visibility-FAQ