Workshop on Assessment of Proposals for FSTP Implementors


A regional workshop for EU grant recipients who are also FSTP Implementers from the Western Balkans and Türkiye region aims to strengthen capacities in the assessment of sub-grant proposals and the effective management of evaluation committees to select and award sub-grants.

To maximize the impact and applicability of this workshop, a strong emphasis will be placed on interactive and experiential learning. Our objective is to create a dynamic, participant-centred experience that not only facilitates a deeper understanding of the topics at hand but also fosters an environment of active engagement, collaboration, and practical application. By preparing participants for this immersive learning approach from the outset, we aim to enhance the capacity-building outcomes for all FSTP implementers involved.

The event will gather a group of 30 participants representing FSTP implementors from the Western Balkan and Türkiye region.

It will be implemented in the form of a workshop and will be facilitated by the EU TACSO 3 experts. The follow-up brief will be produced to inform the interested FSTP Community of Practice.

The following key topics will be explored:

  • The role of the Evaluation Committee in the assessment of proposals
  • How to select appropriate Evaluation Committee members
  • How to prepare Evaluation Committee members for their role
  • Do we have to monitor Evaluation Committee members and how
  • How far we can go in supporting applicants (training, mentoring, help desk)
  • Good quality proposal vs a good idea with poor capacities
  • Key stages of the assessment process
  • Key challenges of the assessment process.

Interested participants —representatives of FSTP Implementors from the Western Balkans and Türkiye should apply by filling in and submitting the Application form by Tuesday, 26 March 2024, 15:00 hrs CET.

Participants will be selected based on the following selection criteria:

  • They will represent a CSO or CSO network implementing one or more EU-funded projects which have FSTP components;
  • They will be the person responsible for the management of the assessment of proposals process and
  • They can demonstrate a plan for transfering newly acquired knowledge to other FSTP team members in the same organisation/network.

Geographical and gender representation will be considered in the selection of participants.

The travel and accommodation costs of selected participants will be covered by the EU TACSO 3 project. Refreshments and meals will be provided during the event.

The selected participants will be informed about the status of their application by Tuesday, 3 April 2024.

Should you have additional questions about this invitation, please contact Ms Andreja Tonč, a Key Expert for Capacity Building, at


Draft Agenda

Presentation: Workshop on Assessment of Proposals

Event Report



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[1] this designation is without prejudice to positions on status and is in line with UN Security Council resolution 1244 and the International Court of Justice Opinion on the Kosovo declaration of Independence