Three days strategic planning workshop started in Podgorica 6-8 June 2020, organised by EU TACSO 3 for NGO Parents/NVO Roditelji from Montenegro. NGO Parents is an association founded in 2011, and brings together parents/guardians with a vision and initiative to bring about social change by promoting the rights and improving the living conditions of parents and children in Montenegro.
Members of NGO Parents, with the Expert Dubravka Velat, are going through important topics and together ensure the best results of strategic planning process, since it crucial for the further development of organisational capacities and its overall growth.
The purpose of Strategic Mentoring is a programme of pragmatic and in-depth mentoring support from experts (mentors) to CSOs in the WBT region. With this Programme Package, EU TACSO 3 provides targeted hands-on capacity development support to a limited number of CSOs, tailored to individual organisations and pragmatic resulting in concrete outcomes.