Due to the COVID-19 situation and emerging needs for digital literacy of CSOs, EU TACSO 3 organised a comprehensive training programme under the title “Digital and ICT Tools in the Work of CSOs” during months of June and July. The programme consisted of both basic and advanced level trainings and aimed at developing basic and advanced skills catering to the different needs of CSOs in the Western Balkans and Turkey.

In June 2020, five training courses have been organised in English and in local languages (Albanian, Bosnian/Montenegrin/Serbian, Macedonian, Turkish) for 168 participants from the region.

Participants to the trainings have also received mentoring support from trainers to apply gained skills in their regular work and produce outputs such as: promotion videos, Facebook posts, creation and planning of campaigns, facilitation of Zoom conferences and on-line meetings.

As a result of the trainings and to make available the knowledge shared at the trainings with wider civil society, five manuals have been produced in English and local languages. Manuals present an overview of digital tools commonly used by CSOs each including brief description, the purpose and the instructions, with additional resources to be explored for further learning.

Manuals include two types and levels of digital tools and how they can be used by CSOs in their everyday work:

  • Internal: Practical use of digital tools in teamwork and organisational management (communication, coordination, planning, monitoring, overall management of human resources and tasks, etc.), especially for local CSOs and grass-roots;
  • External: Using digital tools for on-line training and learning activities, promotion and campaigning, direct on-line work with beneficiaries, especially for high-capacity CSOs, CSOs working in emergency response, social service providers, regional networks, national resource centres etc..

Manuals are available here:






Trainings, mentoring has been delivered and manuals produced by the team of trainers from the South East European Youth Network (SEEYN).

EU TACSO 3 will continue supporting digital literacy of CSOs in the WBT region, focused on the specific needs that steam from the impact of COVID-19 pandemic on the work of CSOs.