EU TACSO 3 project is organising a regional on-line webinar on “Reporting on the Implementation of EU Grant Contracts” for civil society organisations (CSOs) in the Western Balkans and Turkey (WBT) interested to improve their reporting skills under awarded EU grants (i.e., IPA, Civil Society Facility (CSF), European Instrument for Democracy and Human Rights (EIDHR), etc.).
This online event will take place on 3 – 4 November 2022 and will be implemented in English.
More details about the webinar programme you may find in the Agenda document.
The webinar will provide guidance for organisations preparing narrative and financial reports for EU grants. It will present a list of common mistakes and key challenges in the preparation of good quality reports and finalising the reporting process. The webinar will include a number of examples from reporting practice to better describe the inputs contributing to successful (and unsuccessful) completion of grant contracts.
The following key topics will be covered:
- Grant contract obligations and reporting
- How to structure information and proof documents/annexes in the reporting formats
- Presentation of the narrative reporting format and information requested
- Weak components of the narrative reporting (i.e., presentation of the target group, missing proof documents on activities implemented, modest presentation on the visibility and communication activities conducted)
- Presentation of the financial reporting format and information requested
- List of obligatory proof documents to the financial report
- How to structure proof documents for the financial report
- Key issues in financial reporting per budget headings (also including procurement, VAT exemptions, FSTP management, etc.)
Interested CSOs and CSO networks should register by filling in and submitting the Registration form by Tuesday, 1 November 2022, 16:00hrs.