Three civil society organisations-initiators of the establishment of SECO ETE in BIH organised a workshop with the goal of involvement of CSOs in consultation process for the IPA II programming.
The initial group of Civil Society Organizations (CSOs), with the aim to establish SECO (Sector Consultative Mechanisms) ETE (Energy, Transport, Environment) mechanism in the process of EU integrations, on December 18 and 19 2014, organized a workshop event named “Participation possibilities of CSOs from the sectors of environment, energy, and transport in the programming and monitoring processes of IPA II funds in Bosnia and Herzegovina” within the framework of TACSO BIH project support.
The workshop gathered 31 CSO representatives from the entire territory of BIH and 7 BIH Institutions representative. Goal of the workshop was to launch a mechanism of involvement of CSO from BIH in the IPA II consultation process. The workshop stands as a foundation for further communication with other civil society organizations in order to establish dialogue with the governmental institutions in the process of planning and programming of IPA II funds in three mentioned sectors.
The initial CSOs group which organised the workshop are:
- Udruženje “Aarhus Centre in BiH”, Sarajevo
- Centar za okolišni održivi razvoj COOR, Sarajevo
- Udruženje građana Eko Element, Bugojno
More info about results of the workshop you can find in the final report (B/H/S version).