Türkçe Kayıt Çağrısına buradan ulaşabilirsiniz.
In the framework of the EU-funded Technical Assistance to Civil Society Organisations in Western Balkans and Turkey (EU TACSO 3) project, we are pleased to invite you to participate in the P2P online event under the title: “Self-Assessment and Rights-Based Approach” that will take place on 25, 26 and 27 May 2022.
The event’s overall objective is to create a ground for CSOs from Turkey and Western Balkans to share the good practices of self-assessment and adopt the rights-based approach in the work of CSOs.
The purpose is fourfold:
- To reconsider the conceptual framework for the concept of “participation” and “mainstreaming rights-based approach”;
- To provide a space for experience sharing on different methodologies of mainstreaming rights-based approach and participation and initiating a regional informal CSO network;
- To discuss existing internal management structures, policy documents, self-assessment tools and internal documents for mainstreaming a rights-based approach, transparency, accountability and participation;
- To give the floor to CSOs to share good participation practices, mainstream rights-based approach, self-assessment, transparency, accountability and development policy documents.
Self-Assessment and Rights-Based Approach P2P event is planned to be organised in a sequence of two steps:
1) Three-day meeting on self-assessment and rights-based approach, which will bring together more than 70 CSOs online who are willing to develop an inclusive and rights-based management structure within their own organisations or CSO network;
2) Conclusion report of the meeting which will compile the discussions held during the meeting as well as the good practices of self-assessment and adopting a rights-based approach in the work of CSOs.
The event will give the floor to the keynote speakers to clarify the conceptual framework of participation and mainstreaming rights-based approach and present good practices in adopting a rights-based approach in the management of CSOs and CSO networks. The main focus of the meeting will be CSOs and CSO networks from Turkey, while the relevant experience from Western Balkan countries (Albania, North Macedonia, Serbia and Croatia) will be shared as added value.
The online event will gather up to 70 CSOs from Turkey and Western Balkan.
The event will take place online on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, 25-27 May 2022.
If you are interested in attending the P2P event, please register at the following link until Wednesday, 18 May till 17:00 (Turkey local time). Each CSO can assign one representativeto participate in the event.
The selection will be made by EU TACSO 3 based on the following criteria:
- Regional distribution;
- Thematic area distribution;
- Gender equality;
- Volunteer-based CSOs and/or CSOs working with volunteers.
The event will be facilitated by prominent experts in the Turkish language. English-Turkish simultaneous translation will be provided during the sessions with the guest speakers from European and Western Balkan countries.
The Zoom link to join the event, along with the agenda and other details, will be sent to all registered participants prior to the event.
Technical Assistance to Civil Society Organizations in Western Balkans and Turkey (EU TACSO 3) is an EU-funded project in the Western Balkans and Turkey (www.tacso.eu). EU TACSO 3 aim is to strengthen the capacity of civil society organisations (CSOs) to actively take part in the democratic processes and to stimulate an enabling environment for civil society and pluralistic media development.