The main purpose of the EU Accession Negotiation Process Learning Exchange between CSOs from Montenegro and Serbia, with CSOs from Albania and North Macedonia, is to promote knowledge exchange and best practices on civil society engagement in the EU accession negotiation process.
Through the event, participants will:
- Understand the different models and structures of civil society engagement in accession negotiations and evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of each model and structure.
- Be aware of the various approaches and practices that have been effective in working with governments during accession negotiations.
- Create strong personal connections with each other, serving as a network for further cooperation and exchange on their topics of interest.
The event will also provide a platform for participants to network and share experiences, ultimately strengthening the civil society sector in the region.
Overall, the event aims to provide CSOs from the region with valuable insights, advice, and strategies to help them prepare, influence, and improve the results of EU accession negotiations.