What treasures await in the mountains for those who want to explore beyond the ordinary?
Those who know are those who have had the spirit to try it out; Valdete Qollaku – NGO Nomad Kosova representative, explorer, alpinist and advocate of mountains and natural beauty, has gathered around like-minded people to join her initiative with the goal of promoting the great potential of mountain tourism.
As a geographer, she has studied and taught the subject for several years; however, as time went on, Valdete’s passion for mountains began to call out to her more, and she presented herself to the world of hiking. Her involvement in various hiking groups soon garnered her respect among her peers.
Valdete’s journey was challenging, as the field of hiking and mountaineering was dominated by men and despite facing prejudice and being overlooked due to differences in physical abilities compared to her male counterparts, Valdete pursued what she always wanted to.
Throughout her career, Valdete’s focus remained on encouraging women to join her; by understanding the difference that can be made by facing societal norms and believing that by inviting more women in her expeditions, she would inspire a new generation of female adventurers, which she did through increasing women’s participation by 60%.

‘Taking care and connecting with the mountains is the same as loving and respecting ourselves, as we recognize their value and the impact they have on our lives.’’ emphasizes Valdete.
Valdete had a happy childhood, and her memories are reminding her of days spent playing with her cousins on the mountain and sometimes accompanied by her brother, she would spend the whole day exploring nature. The presence of the natural world had a way of cleansing her soul and as she was reflecting on her experiences, she said, “Nature has a wonderful way of refreshing and calming my spirit, bringing us a sense of peace, and unfortunately, we often neglect this and fail to make time… as a result, we become harsher as humans, have you noticed?’’
On this year’s International Day of Mountain, we highlight the fact that her initiative with NGO Nomad Kosova has evolved into a destination for mountain explorers, attracting individuals who wish to discover the mountains of the territory. Recognized as one of the most dynamic groups, she organizes activities on an almost weekly basis.
Taking into account the vast mountainous terrain, Valdete has deemed it necessary to do something and promote other parts, in addition to well-known areas such Sharr/Šar and Accursed Mountains (Bjeshkët e Nemuna/Prokletije). This opportunity was given to her by the ReLOaD2 project, which is funded by the EU and implemented by the UNDP, which aims to create new hiking trails in Skenderaj/Srbica municipality and develop a new tourist product from that area, where the mountainous potential is significant, bringing to life another aspect of tourism.
This initiative within ReLOaD2 is to cater to individuals seeking exploration opportunities by providing them with a fresh mountain tourism experience. The project also aims to support local communities by enabling them to personally witness mountains and fostering a shift in their perspectives and interaction with other CSOs working in this area, such as CSO ‘‘Merimangat’’, which is in partnership with Nomad to implement this project.

Beyond their beauty, mountains are home to a wide variety of plants and animals, creating a diverse ecosystem. They also act as natural storage areas for snow and ice, which melt and provide water for farming, generating hydropower, and meeting our daily needs. However, they are fragile and vulnerable to various threats, such as deforestation, climate change, and unsustainable development.
Their preservation is not only essential for the well-being of mountain communities but also for global sustainability and environmental protection. December 11th has been designated as International Mountain Day by the United Nations; this global observance is aimed at highlighting the significance of mountains, promoting their sustainable development, and urging their preservation.

The overall objective of the ReLOaD 2 project delivered by UNDP and funded by and in partnership with the EU, is to strengthen participatory democracies and the EU integration process in the Western Balkans (WB) by empowering civil society, with focus on women and youth to actively take part in decision making and by stimulating an enabling legal and financial environment for Civil Society Organizations (CSOs). The ReLOaD2 project in Kosovo aims to strengthen partnerships between municipalities and civil society by scaling up a successful model of transparent and project-based civil society organizations (CSOs) funding from municipal budgets and promoting youth and civic engagement in decision-making, improvement of local service delivery and community development.
This initative was supported through The Regional Programme on Local Democracy in the Western Balkans 2 (ReLOaD2) is funded by the European Union and implemented by UNDP.