The global objective of this call for proposals is Strengthened the role of civil society in promoting human rights, democracy and good governance in Montenegro.
The specific objective(s) of this call for proposals is twofold: one is to support civil society and human rights defenders working in the area of access to justice and the rule of law, and the other is in the area of fighting impunity and the protection of journalists.
This call for proposals is divided into two lots:
- Lot 1 Supporting good governance and the rule of law: 400,000 EUR
- Lot 2 Fighting impunity and support to journalists: 500,000 EUR
Minimum project amount: EUR 100,000, maximum amount: EUR 150,000 (50% to 95% of total eligible costs of the action)
Note: Proposals should be developed using the human rights-based approach (HRBA) methodology. Make specific reference to gender mainstreaming and the Gender Action Plan III: Gender mainstreaming remains the primary means to achieve gender equality.
The new EU Gender Action Plan for 2021-2025 (GAP III) calls on making gender equality a crosscutting priority in EU external action. Whenever possible, GAP III gender-sensitive and sex-disaggregated indicators and gender-analyses to inform the design of future actions shall be developed for all target groups. This priority will be taken into consideration when evaluating proposals.
Deadline for submission of full application: 24/05/2023 at 16:00 (Brussels date and time)
Link to the Call for proposal: https://webgate.ec.europa.eu/europeaid/online-services/index.cfm?ADSSChck=1677060414350&do=publi.detPUB&page=1&orderbyad=Desc&orderby=upd&searchtype=QS&nbPubliList=15&aoref=176851&userlanguage=en