As part of its preparation for the 2024 multi-country IPA programmes, DG NEAR is organising an online consultation with interested and informed civil society organisations from the Western Balkans and Türkiye.
The aim of the consultation is to provide feedback from the perspective of civil society organisations on DG NEAR’s draft Action Documents for its multi-country programmes for 2024. Considering the regional scope of these programmes, the invitation is addressed to CSOs and CSO networks usually working at a regional level (i.e., whose mission/usual activities involve more than one IPA beneficiary).
The consultation will be launched in an online meeting on Tuesday 4 July from 14:00 to 17:30 CEST.
If you are interested in participating in the consultation, please register at: https://crm.tacso.eu/node/334
Places are limited (up to 50 CSOs), so please register as soon as possible.
The topics to be covered through the consultation are as follows:
- Window 1 – Rule of Law, Fundamental Rights and Democracy
- Window 2 – Good Governance & EU acquis
- Window 3 – Green Agenda and Sustainable Connectivity
- Window 4 – Competitiveness and inclusive growth.
Registered participants will receive the Zoom link, a detailed agenda for the meeting and the draft Action Documents.
The consultation meeting is facilitated by the EU TACSO 3 team on behalf of DG NEAR. DG NEAR representatives will present the highlights of the proposed programmes, and there will be an opportunity for open discussion.
Written comments will be invited following the event and can be submitted until the close of business on 11 July 2023 to the following address welcome@tacso.eu.
The meeting will be held entirely in English without translation.