EU TACSO 3 project is pleased to announce the re-opening of the People to People (P2P) On-demand support for the organisation of events. It provides targeted help to address the current needs of civic society organisations (CSOs), networks and other civil society actors etc., in the Western Balkans and Turkey.
The objective of P2P support: The P2P Programme aims to enable the organisation of regional (multi-beneficiary) and national (single beneficiary) physical events/activities that can take place in any IPA Beneficiary or EU country or online event/activities covering IPA Beneficiaries. The events/activities should strengthen the role of CSOs to actively take part in democratic processes in the Western Balkans and Turkey and support an enabling environment for civil society development. The P2P events should be an opportunity for CSOs in the Western Balkans region and Turkey to expand their knowledge about the EU and the accession process through visits to the European institutions, meetings with EU based CSOs and the opportunity to network internationally and regionally in the areas and themes they work on.
Under this Call, emphasis in the Project’s support will be given to events, which have a cross-country/regional exchange dimension or those that promote the establishment/continuation of long-term partnership arrangements between the participants.
The P2P On-demand tool is not a grant tool offering direct support. It is a mechanism providing technical (expert) and financial support to the requested events/activities after their approval. The P2P On-demand tool is able to support costs of expert support and direct costs associated with the organisation of events.
Beneficiaries: The P2P Programme is primarily aimed at:
– CSOs: association, foundation, network, organisations, which work with/support grass-roots organisation, community-based organisation and social partner, which are registered or operate as informal entities in any or several IPA Beneficiaries (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo*, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Serbia, Turkey)
– National and regional (Western Balkan and Turkey) thematic networks
– CSOs that promote cross-border and regional cooperation
– sub-granting CSOs
It is expected that the P2P On-demand support during January – June 2022 can be provided to up to 10 CSOs events/activities.
Application Procedure: To apply for support, please fill in the Application Form.
Time-frame and deadlines: All organisations are invited to submit a filled-in Application form for events to be organised from January through June 2022 as soon as possible. The approval process might take several months. Therefore, to allow EU TACSO 3 to process your request in time, all organisations are invited to submit requests until Friday, 17 December 2021, 17:00 hrs CET. While the P2P On-demand mechanism will remain open in 2022, the project might have limited capacity to process and support further events/activities proposed.
Priority areas: Areas that will be supported are as follows:
Conducive environment
- Fundamental rights and freedoms
- Civil society development, protection of civic space
- EU accession process
- Good governance, transparency and accountability
- Dialogue with public authorities and influence in the decision-making process
- CSOs sustainability: state funding, tax legislation, philanthropy, volunteering, economic activities
- Free access to information and open data, publicly accessible official data on CSOs
CSOs Capacity Development
- Good governance
- Increasing public trust in CSOs
- Diversified funding
- Digital literacy
- Strategic approach to MEL (Monitoring, Evaluation & Learning)
- Participation in decision making
- Human rights and gender equality
- Persistence in activism
Type of eligible events/activities: P2P On-demand tool can support different types of events, such as conferences, networking events, workshops and forums (thematic and sectoral), study visits, trainings, etc., that should contribute to regional networking and exchange in the above-listed priority areas related to the enabling environment and CSOs capacity development.
The proposed events can be organised in one of the following formats: Physical; Online, and/or Hybrid.
When proposing activities, please have in mind the COVID-19 situation and official protocols on gatherings and events.
Selection Criteria: The following selection criteria will be considered in reviewing the Application Form:
• Each proposed event provides (i) Opportunities for civil society in IPA Beneficiaries to expand their knowledge about the EU and the accession process; (ii) Prospects for networking internationally and regionally; (iii) Opportunities for capacity building and synergies among CSOs
• Event/activity targets listed priority areas of EU TACSO 3
• The geographical scope is regional (multi-beneficiary) or national (single beneficiary)
• Event/s take place online or in any IPA Beneficiary, including Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Serbia, Turkey or any EU Member State
• Activities, timeline and budget, are precise and realistic
• Ability and willingness of CSO to share and replicate knowledge and products
Eligible costs: EU TACSO 3 will cover expenses directly related to the event/s (e.g. travel and accommodation of participants, venue cost, Zoom, interpretation services, publication and distribution of report etc.). Technical costs, such as costs of external experts, facilitators, moderators, are eligible. Organisational costs, costs of the regular work of the organisation and costs of salaries are not eligible.
The financial support can be up to 15,000 EUR for a regional event/activity and 4,000 EUR for a national event/activity. The maximum amounts can be considered for physical events.
Higher financial support can be considered and approved, however only in exceptional cases.
Duration of support: Short term events with a maximum duration of up to 5 days are eligible. Follow-up activities to prepare the event’s outputs (publications, reports, etc.) can also be considered.
Q&A: All questions relating to the P2P Programme can be sent to Emina Nuredinoska, P2P Manager, at p2p@tacso.eu latest by Wednesday, 13 December 2021.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) can be found here.
PDF version of this Call can be found here.