Publication reference: EuropeAid/173687/DD/ACT/ME
The Delegation of the European Union to Montenegro is seeking proposals for projects that are strengthening the role of civil society in promoting transparent and participatory governance, democratic reforms and human rights and in supporting the economic and social development of Montenegro in view of the EU integration process.
This call for proposals is divided in four lots, each with its own specific objectives and priorities, as indicated below. Within the general objective in each lot, the proposed actions may address one or more of the specific objectives of the lot. Lots 1, 2 and 3 are financed under the Civil society Facility (CSF) and Lot 4 is financed by the Instrument for Human Rights and Democracy (EIDHR).
- Lot 1: Support to CSOs and networks towards increased abilities to monitor and actively participate in EU integration related reform processes through an effective policy dialogue.
- Lot 2: Support to small CSOs and civil society movements in different sectors, developing grassroots movements’ and local informal groups’ capacities through flexible financial support to third parties mechanisms.
- Lot 3: Support to different key stakeholders to contribute to local development.
- Lot 4: Support to human rights defenders and CSOs in the area of promotion of human rights and development of democratic political culture.
The full Guidelines for Applicants are available for downloading on the following internet site
The deadline for submission of the full applications via PROSPECT is 31 May 2022 at 16:00h.