“Opportunity to be engaged in policy-level discussions and exposed to trends, ideas and experiences.”

The People to People (P2P) component offers the opportunity for civil society organizations (CSOs ) in the Western Balkans and Turkey to expand their knowledge about the EU and the accession process, as well as the opportunity to network internationally and regionally.


By enabling participation in European and global-level events through its P2P component, the EU TACSO project provides CSOs in Western Balkans and Turkey with an opportunity to be engaged in policy-level discussions and exposed to trends, ideas and experiences from a wider network.


The main objectives of this project component are to:

Help CSOs and civil society as a whole to familiarise themselves with EU institutions and the decision-making process, as well as to learn about the EU integration process in their countries;

Offer the opportunity to CSOs to interact and network with their national, regional and European level counterparts and to create new partnerships; and

Stimulate civic participation in the beneficiary countries and in the region.

Based on consultation with the project’s stakeholders and needs analysis, specific activities and capacity-building approaches (such as thematic and sectoral events, trainings and study visits to support learning and networking) will be implemented in order to maximise the impact of this EU TACSO project component.


The linkages and partnerships formed through this process will have a long-term beneficial impact on civil society within the targeted IPA countries and the region as a whole. It will also build stronger links between civil society in the region and the EU. The civil society actors will therefore be encouraged to share their new-found knowledge and experience with others in their respective countries.


Not less than 42 regional events and 28 national events (including capacity building, people-to-people, partnership and networking events, study visits, consultations and information sessions, etc.) will be organised in different locations in the region and in the EU during the implementation of EU TACSO 3 project.

To respond to ad-hoc and changing needs of CSOs, the EU TACSO 3 project has established a P2P On-demand tool which enables CSOs to apply and receive support to conduct events, exchanges etc., for their needs and needs of wider civil society in the priority sector of EU TACSO 3 project.