On 28 and 29 June EU TACSO 3 organised a two-day basic level on-line training event on “Mainstreaming Human Rights Based Approach (HRBA) and Gender Equality (GE)” in Albanian language. Seventeen  CSOs from Albania and Kosovo*[1]with none or limited experience in HRBA, such as local CSOs and grass-roots organisations and initiatives attended the event.

The training aimed to strengthen organisational development of CSOs to internalise an inclusive perspective and HRBA by taking into account the principle of the intersectionality of rights. Additionally, it encouraged the adoption of a rights-based perspective and gender equality in all CSO activities, in particular humanitarian aid, giving-based activities, service provision in emergency response. Finally, it contributes to monitoring activities of human rights CSOs by providing pragmatic support and guidance on the main principles and standards of HRBA.

During the first day, participants had the opportunity to learn what are human rights and their evolution, what individuals should know about human rights, what are instruments and mechanisms of human rights, human rights during crisis, key principles of HRBA, mainstreaming of HRBA and gender equality in the work of CSOs. The participants shared their personal experiences of breach of their human rights. It was noted that almost everyone has encountered human rights violations, in one way or another, in different situations. But, it was noted that the collective response to these violations is not at the desired level. There is a long journey to reach collective reaction to advance the human rights application in the region.

During the second day, the participants learned and reflected on the main principles of HRBA. Specifically, during the second day, the training went in depth on forms of discrimination, gender integration and human rights integration. Throughout the training, reference was made to the TACSO Needs Assessment Report whereby it was noted that the vast majority of local and grassroots CSOs have a low capacity to establish comprehensive internal structures oriented towards the HRBA’s participatory approach. Most of them lack the perspective of gender equality, youth participation, the inclusion of people with disabilities and child participation, which is essential for the inclusive structure of organisations, as well as their monitoring activities. Based on these views, the training provided solutions and detailed steps on how to integrate HRBA and GE in the workplace and projects. During the working groups, participants had the opportunity to work on real project examples such as preventing violent extremism, environmental pollution and generating employment opportunities for vulnerable groups.

The training programme is consisted of regional advance training, monitoring support, basic trainings in main language groups and check-list for CSO to be published on the EU TACSO 3 project website.

*This designation is without prejudice to positions on status, and is in line with UNSCR 1244/1999 and the ICJ opinion on the Kosovo declaration of independence.