The HIV Terminology workshop organised by Association Positive Living from Turkey within the EU TACSO 3 P2P On-demand Programme, took place on 14 and 15 September 2021 with the participation of CSOs, HIV activists, doctors, public institutions and local governments.
During the workshop, CSO participants worked on establishing a mutual language and a common HIV terminology that eliminates all kinds of rights violations and discrimination. In this respect, the establishment of the correct terminology was also combined with the discussions on incorrect and erroneous discourses used in the field of HIV and concepts that are considered incompatible (such as AIDS carrier, HIV-positive, risky behaviour, suspicious contact, safe sex, etc.) were examined along with the correct terms (such as, people living with HIV, HIV positive, HIV infection, protection, etc.).
In all sessions, stakeholders held discussions regarding the Turkey HIV/AIDS Control Programme and HIV/AIDS Diagnostic Guide. On the second day of the workshop, HIV terminology was discussed regarding different thematic areas (feminist movement, LGBTI+ movement, children etc.), and the participants worked on establishing the framework of the dictionary. The HIV terminology workshop was completed with the participants conveying their positive feedback about the workshop. After the workshop, the HIV Dictionary will be prepared. Its draft version would be shared with the participants, and opinions would be requested again for the final version of the dictionary.
Some of the best professionals in the field gave their own contribution: Mr. Canberk Harmancı, Board member of the Positive Living Association in role of moderator, Mr. Kağan Çavuşoğlu from the Red Ribbon Istanbul Association held a presentation “Current issues and cases regarding HIV terminology: Red Ribbon Istanbul Experience”, and Prof. Dr. Selma Karabey, held a presentation revealing the discussions on HIV activism and terminology in Turkey and the world.