On 13 December 2021, EU TACSO 3 organised the fourth Coordination meeting with National Resource Centers (NRCs). The meeting was aimed to continue coordination, exchange of information between the EU TACSO 3, NRCs and the Delegations of the EU in seven IPA Beneficiaries. In particular, this meeting was devoted to present and discuss the EU TACSO 3 Action Plan for January – June 2022.
The first session discussed planed capacity development and exchange – P2P Programme – activities. The main discussion evolved around coordination on preparing E-learning platforms that are under way with some NRCs (North Macedonia, Turkey) and the planned E-learning platform by EU TACSO 3 project. Under P2P Programme, the open call for P2P On-demand support for CSOs was presented.
Second session presented planed activities for the promotion of the EU Civil Society Guidelines once adopted by the DG NEAR and forthcoming consultation on the draft Media Guidelines update.
Third session focused on exchange of ideas and experience with regards to visibility and communication of the NRCs.
The next, fifth, meeting will take place during spring 2022.