The online webinars will be held in three sessions on Friday, May 3, 2019
- 9:30-11:00 AM Brussels Time
- 12:00-1:30 PM Brussels Time
- 4:00-5:30 PM Brussels Time
Please use the following link to register and participate in the webinars: https://zoom.us/j/424304932
The webinars will be conducted by the TACSO Grant Expert in English and will be limited to 100 participants. Participants will be able to ask questions in writing to the Expert. The recording of the webinars will also be made available on the TACSO website. Questions and answers will be made available publicly through the TACSO website http://tacso.eu/eu_calls.html and EU Prospect.
Topics to be covered in the webinars include:
- Introduction to the Guidelines for the Call and explanation on how to apply.
- Place of the Concept Note in the EU Grant Application procedure
- Role and Structure of the Concept Note
- Concept note, Logical framework and Theory of Change
- How to develop an effective Concept Note
The recorded webinars will be uploaded and available on the TACSO website: https://tacso.eu/recorded-webinar-presentations/ from Monday, May 6, 2019 onwards.
In an overall vision of enhanced regional cooperation, good neighbourly relations and reconciliation, the overall objective of this Call for Applications is to strengthen participatory democracies and the EU approximation process in the Western Balkans and Turkey by empowering civil society to actively take part in decision making and by stimulating an enabling legal and financial environment for civil society and pluralistic media.
Please note that the deadline for submission of concept notes is 23/05/2019 at 20:00 (Brussels date and time).
Details about this Call for Applications and application procedure can also be found in the following link: https://bit.ly/2VB6J5c