
Regional P2P Event Call for Participants: The Role of the Civil Society in  the EU Accession Process (Deadline: Thursday, 21 October 2021)
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October 16, 2021

Regional P2P Event Call for Participants: The Role of the Civil Society in the EU Accession Process (Deadline: Thursday, 21 October 2021)

Call for Applicants: Training on Design Thinking for CSOs in Kosovo*, 28-29 October (Deadline: Wednesday, 20 October 2021)

October 11, 2021

Call for Applicants: Training on Design Thinking for CSOs in Kosovo*, 28-29 October (Deadline: Wednesday, 20 October 2021)

Regional Training in Theory of Change (ToC) upgrades CSO Participants’ Skills in Western Balkans and Turkey
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October 4, 2021

Regional Training in Theory of Change (ToC) upgrades CSO Participants’ Skills in Western Balkans and Turkey

Strategic Development for CSOs through Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning in North Macedonia
North Macedonia

September 29, 2021

Strategic Development for CSOs through Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning in North Macedonia

Call for Applications: Advanced Training Programme for CSOs in the Western Balkans and Turkey: Theory of Change (ToC) in Organisational Development 28-29 September (Deadline: Wednesday, 15 September 2021)
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September 28, 2021

Call for Applications: Advanced Training Programme for CSOs in the Western Balkans and Turkey: Theory of Change (ToC) in Organisational Development 28-29 September (Deadline: Wednesday, 15 September 2021)

Open Call for CSOs in Role of Contributors and Participants from the WBT to apply as contributors to  ,,The Community Resilience Forum” Sessions, on 20 – 21 October 2021, Belgrade, Serbia  (Deadline: Wednesday, 6 October  2021, 17:00 hrs CET.)

September 28, 2021

Open Call for CSOs in Role of Contributors and Participants from the WBT to apply as contributors to ,,The Community Resilience Forum" Sessions, on 20 – 21 October 2021, Belgrade, Serbia (Deadline: Wednesday, 6 October 2021, 17:00 hrs CET.)

HIV Terminology Workshop Helps to Eliminate Social Discrimination in Turkey

September 25, 2021

HIV Terminology Workshop Helps to Eliminate Social Discrimination in Turkey

Servant Leadership Approach Useful in Working with Local Communities in North Macedonia
North Macedonia

September 23, 2021

Servant Leadership Approach Useful in Working with Local Communities in North Macedonia

Regional Conference of Nature Conservationists for the Balkan Region “GreenWave” Helps Raise Initiatives on Nature- and Geo-heritage Defence

September 23, 2021

Regional Conference of Nature Conservationists for the Balkan Region “GreenWave” Helps Raise Initiatives on Nature- and Geo-heritage Defence

EU TACSO 3 and Association of Youth with Disabilities of Montenegro organized Training and Mentoring on Transformation for efficient Participation

September 21, 2021

EU TACSO 3 and Association of Youth with Disabilities of Montenegro organized Training and Mentoring on Transformation for efficient Participation

Challenges of LGBT individuals during COVID-19 discussed within “Promotion of the Strategy and Action Plan on Emergency Response”
North Macedonia
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September 18, 2021

Challenges of LGBT individuals during COVID-19 discussed within “Promotion of the Strategy and Action Plan on Emergency Response”

Consultation and Validation Meeting on the EU Civil Society Guidelines 2020 Assessment Report (EUCSG) for Albania

September 16, 2021

Consultation and Validation Meeting on the EU Civil Society Guidelines 2020 Assessment Report (EUCSG) for Albania

A Country Consultation and Validation Meeting on the EUCSG 2020 Assessment Report organized for Bosnia and Herzegovina
Bosnia and Herzegovina

September 13, 2021

A Country Consultation and Validation Meeting on the EUCSG 2020 Assessment Report organized for Bosnia and Herzegovina

Consultation and Validation Meeting on the EUCSG 2020 Assessment Report for Montenegro

September 10, 2021

Consultation and Validation Meeting on the EUCSG 2020 Assessment Report for Montenegro

Consultation and Validation Meeting on the EUCSG 2020 Assessment Report for Kosovo*

September 8, 2021

Consultation and Validation Meeting on the EUCSG 2020 Assessment Report for Kosovo*

Assessment for Civil Society Development in 2020 Discussed in Serbia

September 7, 2021

Assessment for Civil Society Development in 2020 Discussed in Serbia

A Country Consultation and Validation Meeting on the EUCSG 2020 Assesment Report organised for Turkey

September 7, 2021

A Country Consultation and Validation Meeting on the EUCSG 2020 Assesment Report organised for Turkey

Reports from EU Civil Society Guidelines 2021-2027 Consultations Published
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September 3, 2021

Reports from EU Civil Society Guidelines 2021-2027 Consultations Published

Representatives from CSOs, public institutions and donors from North Macedonia discussed the EUCSG 2020 Assessment Report Findings
North Macedonia

September 1, 2021

Representatives from CSOs, public institutions and donors from North Macedonia discussed the EUCSG 2020 Assessment Report Findings

Mentoring Support as Opportunity for Organisational Growth Allocated to 10 Civil Society Organisations
North Macedonia
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August 26, 2021

Mentoring Support as Opportunity for Organisational Growth Allocated to 10 Civil Society Organisations